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Our Story

Shoes For Crews Europe was established in Shannon, Ireland in 2001, where it entered the European market selling a selection of slip-resistant footwear. The operation grew throughout the decade and in 2009 Shoes For Crews Europe established sales teams in both Germany and the UK, and the following year 2010 in France. In 2011, to accommodate the expansion of the Shannon based team, the company moved into a larger office space. During this time the company also moved and expanded its European distribution centre in Shannon.

Today Shoes For Crews Europe continues to grow and we currently have over 110+ slip-resistant shoe styles in our portfolio with more to be added throughout 2021.

Continuous Growth

Since 2010 Shoes For Crews Europe has produced its shoe catalogue in 3 different languages (English, German and French), and maintained a customer service team in Shannon to meet the needs of those countries servicing them with multi lingual teams. In 2013 Shoes For Crews Europe moved its Distribution Centre to Venlo in Holland to meet the needs of its ever expanding European business. In 2017 Shoes For Crews established a sales team in the Netherlands, began to produce a Dutch version of the sales catalogue and expanded its customer service team to cover the Dutch market.


Company founded by Stan Smith together with his son Matt

1987: 10+ styles


First Nationwide PDP program introduced with Taco Bell


Shoe manufacturing moved to China

1997: Expanded to 45+ styles


European subsidiary set up in Shannon, Ireland


Enhanced appeal (70+ styles)

2008: Begin outsole manufacturing at our own company facility in China


Company build a new outsole manufacturing facility


New European distribution centre opened in Venlo, Netherlands

2014: Full reformulation of slip resistant compound


Company rebrand and update of shoe technologies and portfolio of styles.

Today: Diverse portfolio of slip resistant shoes including industry specific footwear

What our customers say

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